Author Archives: Jay Butchko

How Florida’s Three Strikes Law Works
There are criminal punishments to dissuade people from committing crimes, and then there are specific laws that are aimed at individuals who perpetually wind up in the criminal justice system. In Florida, there is a Three Strikes Law that applies to both repeat offenders of violent felonies and individuals who routinely commit felony traffic… Read More »

7 Types Of Clemency In Florida Explained
If you have been convicted of a felony crime in Florida, your life has undoubtedly been riddled with struggles and setbacks. From spending time in jail to paying hefty fines and having your reputation wholly destroyed, there are almost unlimited adverse life implications that result after a felony conviction. Though there are instances where… Read More »

Can You Be Criminally Charged With A Crime If The Victim Does Not Want To Press Charges?
In the course of an alleged crime being committed, if the police are called to the scene, it is often not a situation that is calm, and it can be unclear at first what exactly happened. Everyone may have their own version of events. But, given what is said by those involved, witnesses, and… Read More »

What Is A Grand Jury In A Criminal Case?
You may have heard the phrase “impaneling a grand jury” and didn’t overthink it. That is until you are arrested for an alleged crime. Then all of a sudden, the grand jury’s purpose and role become so much more important to understand. If you were arrested, a grand jury might be used before your… Read More »

Your Rights At Your Probation Violation Hearing
If you have been put on probation, it is imperative that you follow the terms that are set forth for you. Violations of your probation could result in serious repercussions like jail time. However, even when there are instances where a person violates their probation, that does not mean that they have lost all… Read More »

Is Prostitution A Crime In Florida?
In the state of Nevada, prostitution in licensed brothels is legal. In Florida, though, prostitution is not permitted under any circumstances. So if you are charged with prostitution in the Sunshine State and convicted, be prepared for jail time, expensive fines, probation, and potentially more. The penalties for prostitution are harsh in Florida. Plus,… Read More »

Is It Possible To Reschedule Your Court Date?
On any given day, there may be several things that you want to do with your time. There may also be those things you never want to do if you can avoid them. Going to court to face criminal charges is one of those things that most people typically do not look forward to…. Read More »

How Does A Child In A Car Change The Penalties Of A DUI Conviction In Florida?
The best advice when you have had a few too many adult beverages is to play it safe and call a ride. Refraining from drinking and driving keeps you and others near you safe. Plus, you will not have to worry about the legal consequences of a driving under the influence (DUI) arrest. A… Read More »

Should You Or Should You Not Participate In A Field Sobriety Exercise In Florida?
Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FHSMV) reported that in 2020, 746 people in the Sunshine State died in car accidents where drugs, alcohol, or both were factors. Despite the fact that the death toll that DUI crashes in Florida caused in 2020 was 33% lower than the previous year, in 2019, FLHSMV is… Read More »

Is It Legal To Keep A Gun In Your Car In Florida?
Under the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution, Americans have a right to keep and bear firearms. Though, there are varying regulations for this right in different states nationwide. While states like Wyoming or Montana tend to be some of the most gun-friendly states in the nation, Florida has light regulations on gun… Read More »