Author Archives: Jay Butchko

How Does Florida Punish First Time Offenders Of Domestic Violence?
When loved ones have disputes, emotions can cause people to have a hard time thinking clearly, and as a result, things have the potential to get physical. And even if the party who put hands on another didn’t mean to let the situation become so toxic and explosive, when things get out of hand,… Read More »

Do All Arrests Result In Criminal Charges?
After an arrest, you may be nervous and wonder what is going to happen to you. This can be a jarring and scary experience, especially if you have never had a brush-up with the law and do not know how the system works. You may think that being arrested means that you have been… Read More »

What Is A Target Of Interest Letter?
If you have just been contacted by a federal prosecutor and are feeling a bit uneasy, this is understandable. Receiving communications from one of these legal professionals can cause significant distress and could mean that you may have some legal challenges ahead of you. If a federal prosecutor sends you a target of interest… Read More »

Why Forensics Are Not A Reliable Source Of Evidence In A Criminal Case
If you are being tried for an alleged crime, the prosecution is going to gather as much evidence as possible against you to improve their chances of securing a conviction. The standard in criminal cases is high for a guilty verdict to come about, guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, so the prosecution will use… Read More »

Proving Entrapment As A Criminal Defense Strategy In Florida
In some cases, you may have heard of using entrapment as a means of a criminal defense strategy. But you may not know exactly what entrapment details, how it is orchestrated, and how it works. Entrapment, when used under the right conditions, can be an effective way to combat criminal charges. Though entrapment is… Read More »

Can You Be Charged With A DUI In Florida Without Driving Your Car?
The state of Florida, like all other states in the nation, has laws that make drunk driving illegal. Being caught, charged, and convicted of drunk driving will have significant penalties and harsh repercussions. Multiple DUIs will increase the severity of these punishments. After an arrest for an alcohol-impaired driving incident, speaking with an attorney… Read More »

10 Examples Of Grounds To Appeal A Criminal Conviction In Florida
The most optimal outcome in a criminal case is to have one’s charges dropped or to secure a not-guilty verdict. Just like with civil litigation, where appeals can happen after an unsatisfactory verdict, in a criminal case where the outcome is disappointing, an appeal can also be a potential remedy for the convicted individual… Read More »

The Most Common College Student Offenses
It is not just adults that can suffer severe consequences as a result of an arrest and criminal charges. Both high school and college students can make missteps and get tangled up with the law, and be arrested. The aftermath of such a situation can be incredibly challenging for a student, especially regarding how… Read More »

The Difference Between Having Your Record Expunged And Sealed In Florida
While everyone makes mistakes here and there, some missteps can have more significant repercussions than others. Specifically, making an error that leads to a criminal arrest can be incredibly detrimental to a person’s life. It is simply not ideal to have a criminal record. Still, sometimes things happen in life that have negative life… Read More »

2 Things Florida Prosecutors Must Show To Get A First-Degree Murder Guilty Verdict
If you are being put on trial for murder, the bar is high for the prosecution to make the case that you are guilty of your charges beyond a reasonable doubt. And if there is sufficient evidence to show this, then a conviction will likely follow. In this situation, you are going to be… Read More »