Is Prostitution A Crime In Florida?
In the state of Nevada, prostitution in licensed brothels is legal. In Florida, though, prostitution is not permitted under any circumstances. So if you are charged with prostitution in the Sunshine State and convicted, be prepared for jail time, expensive fines, probation, and potentially more. The penalties for prostitution are harsh in Florida. Plus, even if you have never been arrested for prostitution before, a conviction will blemish your record, and you will now have a criminal history that can follow you around for life.
Being accused of a sex offense like prostitution can come with several criminal punishments, and a conviction can impact your life and permanently damage your reputation. Fighting these charges and getting the best outcome is essential. An experienced legal professional may be able to identify what strategy will be most effective and what evidence is highly persuasive to potentially have your charges reduced or even dropped.
It is critical that you do not delay in connecting with an attorney after an arrest for a sex crime. In Florida, the Orlando sex crime defense attorneys at Joshi Law Firm, PA, can help you overcome your charges.
Prostitution in Florida
If you engage in sexual exploits for money, this is considered prostitution as defined under Florida’s prostitution laws. There are several acts that can be regarded as prostitution. For example, if you perform a sexual act and are paid for it, this would be prostitution. Even soliciting another person for sex with payment is prostitution.
Prostitution is a crime in Florida. Punishments can include anywhere from sixty days in jail to five years in prison, depending on your criminal history and previous convictions of prostitution crimes. Fines for prostitution in Florida can range from $500 to $5,000. Additionally, you may be required to take a test for HIV and STDs. Also, you might have to complete a human trafficking course successfully.
Florida law enforcement is particularly keen on coming down hard on individuals who solicit acts of prostitution. The belief is that harsh penalties will deter individuals from trying to entice others to engage in sexual acts for money. As a result, with little demand, prostitution activity should, in theory, decline. Solicitation penalties include community service, a $5,000 fine, registering in the Soliciting for Prostitution Public Database, and more.
Still, arrests for prostitution happen all of the time in Florida. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement reported that in Polk County, 209 people were arrested for prostitution in 2016. Broward County had 219 arrests, Miami-Dade County had 86 arrests, and Hillsborough County had 181 arrests.
Speak to a Florida Sex Crime Defense Attorney Today
After an arrest for prostitution or any other crime in the state of Florida, there are two things to know. First, you have the right to remain silent, and you should. Second, you have a right to legal counsel representing your interests. Obtaining an attorney puts you in the best possible position to get the most desirable results.
For help after an arrest in Florida, the Florida criminal defense attorneys at Joshi Law Firm, PA, can help you with your legal troubles. Please call today at (407) 661-1109 to schedule a free initial consultation.