Proving Entrapment As A Criminal Defense Strategy In Florida

In some cases, you may have heard of using entrapment as a means of a criminal defense strategy. But you may not know exactly what entrapment details, how it is orchestrated, and how it works. Entrapment, when used under the right conditions, can be an effective way to combat criminal charges. Though entrapment is not something that can be used for every criminal defense strategy, proving that entrapment took place is not an easy task, but rather quite complex. Having an attorney evaluate your legal situation can help you better understand what defense strategies will work the best, including entrapment.
If you have been arrested for a crime, it is critical that you get in touch with an experienced attorney to protect yourself. What you say and do can all be used against you. An attorney on your side, supporting you, will help you preserve your rights and give you a fighting chance to secure a favorable outcome. The Orlando criminal defense attorneys at Joshi Law Firm, PA, can help you after an arrest.
How Entrapment Works in Florida
Florida describes entrapment as a member of law enforcement who unfairly compels, coerces, or influences someone to engage in criminal activity that, otherwise, the individual would not have engaged in without such pressure. A successful launch of an entrapment defense will mean that criminal charges are not sound and will be dropped. Entrapment is unlawful in Florida.
It is the defendant’s job to show that entrapment took place. You must provide evidence proving that the crimes that were committed only happened because of law enforcement’s involvement and incitement. There are different criminal situations where entrapment could work as a potential defense. Drug crimes, instances of fraud, and sex crimes are some examples of occurrences where entrapment may be a feasible way to defend oneself from penalty in court.
If the prosecution can show that the individual was motivated and ready to commit a crime anyway, without the actions of law enforcement, entrapment will not work as a defense. Here, the ultimate goal of an acquittal will not come to fruition.
Entrapment can be either subjective or objective. When subjective entrapment happens, this is when law enforcement actively compels a person to commit a crime through the use of force and against the individual’s will. Objective entrapment occurs when law enforcement uses various tactics to essentially, talk a person into committing a crime.
Suppose entrapment is the correct way to tackle your defense. In that case, an experienced attorney will be able to evaluate your case and put together the pieces that will show unfair treatment and intimidation were behind your criminal charges.
Speak to an Orlando Criminal Defense Lawyer Today
It is improper for law enforcement to use deceitful tactics to get the public to commit crimes. When this happens, the government needs to be held accountable for its actions, and individuals who are victimized by entrapment methods deserve justice. For help after an arrest, call the Florida criminal defense attorneys at Joshi Law Firm, PA, today to schedule a free initial consultation at (407) 661-1109.